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Gama Longitudinal Classifier



   features_group: List[List[Union[int, str]]],
   non_longitudinal_features: List[Union[int, str]],
   feature_list_names: List[str], update_feature_groups_callback: Union[Callable, str] = 'default',
   search_space: Optional[cs.ConfigurationSpace] = None, scoring: Metric = 'roc_auc',
   max_pipeline_length: Optional[int] = None, search: Optional[BaseSearch] = None,
   *args, **kwargs
The GamaLongitudinalClassifier is the principal class for running Auto-Sklong, specifically designed to handle longitudinal datasets. It integrates the proposed search space and employs various search methods to effectively explore the longitudinal-based search space for your dataset.

Naming Convention: GamaLongitudinalClassifier

The name GamaLongitudinalClassifier reflects its foundation on the GAMA framework, ensuring consistency with the framework's naming conventions, even though it is a specialised fork tailored for longitudinal data.

Understanding features_group and non_longitudinal_features

To leverage the full potential of GamaLongitudinalClassifier, it is crucial to understand the mandatory parameters features_group and non_longitudinal_features. These parameters enable the classifiers' abilities to manage the temporal dependencies in your dataset. Detailed information can be found in the Temporal Dependencies documentation page

Refer to GAMA base Documentation

The GamaLongitudinalClassifier inherits many parameters from the GAMA base class (e.g the max total time the AutoML search goes on). A core class in the GAMA AutoML framework to all sub-class such as the standard GamaClassifier or GamaRegressor classes. For comprehensive details on these inherited parameters, consult the GAMA Base API documentation


  • features_group (List[List[Union[int, str]]]): A temporal matrix representing the temporal dependency of a longitudinal dataset. Each tuple/list of integers in the outer list represents the indices of a longitudinal attribute's waves, with each longitudinal attribute having its own sublist in that outer list. For more details, see the documentation's Temporal Dependency page.
  • non_longitudinal_features (List[Union[int, str]]): A list of indices or names of features that are not longitudinal.
  • feature_list_names (List[str]): A list of feature names in the dataset.
  • update_feature_groups_callback (Union[Callable, str], optional): Callback function to update feature groups. This function is invoked to update the structure of longitudinal features during pipeline transformations. By default, if you did not change the search space, you should be all right not to set it it up. Read further in the Sklong documentation here
  • search_space (Optional[cs.ConfigurationSpace]): The search space being explored by the system. The original is by default, another one could be passed. Further explore the Search_Space documentation page.
  • scoring (Metric, default='roc_auc'): The metric used for evaluating the performance of the model. Similar to Scikit-Learn / Auto-Sklearn, you can pass a custom Metric scoring function that the AutoML system will have to optimise.
  • max_pipeline_length (Optional[int], default=None): The maximum length of the pipeline to be searched. Whether you would like to have a pre-processing technique in the middle or not. If you put 2, it will discard the pre-processing step of the search space.
  • search (Optional[BaseSearch], default=None): The search strategy used for pipeline optimization. Either, BayesianOptimization, RandomSearch, Asynchronous Evolutionary Algorithm, or Asynchronous Successive Halving. Further explore the Search Methods documentation section.
  • args: Additional arguments.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.

More are available, here in the GAMA base documentation. Such as, the max_total_time, max_eval_time, etc.


  • classes_ (ndarray of shape (n_classes,)): The class labels.
  • n_classes_ (int): The number of classes.
  • feature_importances_ (ndarray of shape (n_features,)): The feature importances.
  • best_pipeline_ (Pipeline object): The best pipeline found during the search.




   x: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray], y: Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray],
   *args, **kwargs

Fit the Gama Longitudinal Classifier. Or in another word, start the AutoML experiment on your input data. This takes the amount of time you set in the max_total_time parameter of the GAMA Base class.


  • x (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]): The training input samples of shape (n_samples, n_features).
  • y (Union[pd.Series, np.ndarray]): The target values of shape (n_samples,).
  • args: Additional arguments.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.


  • GamaLongitudinalClassifier: The fitted AutoML classifier. Capable of predicting the target for input X using the best found pipeline.



   x: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]

Predict the target for input X using the best found pipeline.

This method computes the class labels for the input samples.


  • x (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]): The input samples of shape (n_samples, n_features).


  • np.ndarray: The predicted class labels of shape (n_samples,).

Predict Proba


   x: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]

Predict class probabilities for X using the best found pipeline.

This method computes the class probabilities for the input samples.


  • x (Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]): The input samples of shape (n_samples, n_features).


  • np.ndarray: The predicted class probabilities of shape (n_samples, n_classes).

Predict Proba from File


   arff_file_path: str, target_column: Optional[str] = None,
   encoding: Optional[str] = None

Predict class probabilities from an ARFF file.

This method computes the class probabilities for the input samples in the ARFF file.


  • arff_file_path (str): The path to the ARFF file containing the input samples.
  • target_column (Optional[str], default=None): The name of the target column in the ARFF file. If None, the last column is assumed to be the target.
  • encoding (Optional[str], default=None): The encoding of the ARFF file.


  • np.ndarray: The predicted class probabilities of shape (n_samples, n_classes).


Make sure to open the little + icon next to any line having them

The examples below are just a starting point. Make sure to open the little + icon next to any line having them to see further explanation / guidance.

Dummy Longitudinal Dataset

Consider the following dataset: stroke.csv


  • smoke (longitudinal) with two waves/time-points
  • cholesterol (longitudinal) with two waves/time-points
  • age (non-longitudinal)
  • gender (non-longitudinal)


  • stroke (binary classification) at wave/time-point 2 only for the sake of the example

The dataset is shown below:

smoke_w1 smoke_w2 cholesterol_w1 cholesterol_w2 age gender stroke_w2
0 1 0 1 45 1 0
1 1 1 1 50 0 1
0 0 0 0 55 1 0
1 1 1 1 60 0 1
0 1 0 1 65 1 0

Example 1: Basic Usage

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset
from gama.GamaLongitudinalClassifier import GamaLongitudinalClassifier

# Load your longitudinal dataset
dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv') # (1)

# Pre-set or manually set your temporal dependencies 
dataset.setup_features_group(input_data="elsa") # (2)

# Instantiate the AutoML system
automl = GamaLongitudinalClassifier( # (3)
    non_longitudinal_features=dataset.non_longitudinal_features(), # (4),

# Run the AutoML system to find the best model and hyperparameters, dataset.y_train)

# Predictions and prediction probabilities
label_predictions = automl.predict(X_test)
probability_predictions = automl.predict_proba(X_test)

# Classification report
print(classification_report(y_test, label_predictions))
  1. To further explore the documentation about LongitudinalDataset available via Sklong, read here.
  2. Define the features_group manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa').
  3. Instantiate the GamaLongitudinalClassifier class with the features_group and non-longitudinal features and the rest by default.
  4. Define the non-longitudinal features manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa'), then the non-longitudinal features would have been automatically set.

Example 2: How to set my own scoring function

from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset
from gama.GamaLongitudinalClassifier import GamaLongitudinalClassifier

# Load your longitudinal dataset
dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv') # (1)

# Pre-set or manually set your temporal dependencies 
dataset.setup_features_group(input_data="elsa") # (2)

# Instantiate the AutoML system
automl = GamaLongitudinalClassifier( # (3)
    non_longitudinal_features=dataset.non_longitudinal_features(), # (4),
    scoring=f1_score # (5)

# Run the AutoML system to find the best model and hyperparameters, dataset.y_train)

# Predictions and prediction probabilities
label_predictions = automl.predict(X_test)
probability_predictions = automl.predict_proba(X_test)

# Classification report
print(classification_report(y_test, label_predictions))
  1. To further explore the documentation about LongitudinalDataset available via Sklong, read here.
  2. Define the features_group manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa').
  3. Instantiate the GamaLongitudinalClassifier class with the features_group and non-longitudinal features and the rest by default.
  4. Define the non-longitudinal features manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa'), then the non-longitudinal features would have been automatically set.
  5. Set the scoring function to f1_score instead of the default roc_auc. You could create your own scorer with make_scorer from sklearn.metrics if you want to use a custom metric. See furthere here.

Example 3: How to export the best pipeline

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset
from gama.GamaLongitudinalClassifier import GamaLongitudinalClassifier

# Load your longitudinal dataset
dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv') # (1)

# Pre-set or manually set your temporal dependencies 
dataset.setup_features_group(input_data="elsa") # (2)

# Instantiate the AutoML system
automl = GamaLongitudinalClassifier( # (3)
    non_longitudinal_features=dataset.non_longitudinal_features(), # (4),

# Run the AutoML system to find the best model and hyperparameters, dataset.y_train)

# Export the best pipeline
automl.export_script('') # (5)
  1. To further explore the documentation about LongitudinalDataset available via Sklong, read here.
  2. Define the features_group manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa').
  3. Instantiate the GamaLongitudinalClassifier class with the features_group and non-longitudinal features and the rest by default.
  4. Define the non-longitudinal features manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa'), then the non-longitudinal features would have been automatically set.
  5. Export the best pipeline to a Python file named The resulting script will define a variable pipeline or ensemble, depending on the post-processing method that was used after search. Reader further about the post-ensembling methods in the GAMA class documentation.

Example 4: How to play with the GAMA base parameters

from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset
from gama.GamaLongitudinalClassifier import GamaLongitudinalClassifier
from gama.search_methods import RandomSearch

# Load your longitudinal dataset
dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv') # (1)

# Pre-set or manually set your temporal dependencies 
dataset.setup_features_group(input_data="elsa") # (2)

# Instantiate the AutoML system
automl = GamaLongitudinalClassifier( # (3)
    non_longitudinal_features=dataset.non_longitudinal_features(), # (4),
    max_total_time=86400, # (5)
    max_eval_time=1000, # (6)
    n_jobs=4, # (7)
    max_memory_mb=2000, # (8)
    post_processing=EnsemblePostProcessing(), # (9)
    output_directory="my_output", # (10)
    store="all", # (11)
    search=RandomSearch(), # (12)

# Run the AutoML system to find the best model and hyperparameters, dataset.y_train)

# Predictions and prediction probabilities
label_predictions = automl.predict(X_test)
probability_predictions = automl.predict_proba(X_test)

# Classification report
print(classification_report(y_test, label_predictions))
  1. To further explore the documentation about LongitudinalDataset available via Sklong, read here.
  2. Define the features_group manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa').
  3. Instantiate the GamaLongitudinalClassifier class with the features_group and non-longitudinal features and the rest by default.
  4. Define the non-longitudinal features manually or use a pre-set from the LongitudinalDataset class. If the data was from the ELSA database, you could use as per the example the pre-sets such as .setup_features_group('elsa'), then the non-longitudinal features would have been automatically set.
  5. Set the maximum total time – in seconds – for the AutoML system to 24 hours (86400 seconds). Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  6. Set the maximum evaluation time – in seconds – for each pipeline evaluation to 1000 seconds. Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  7. Turn on the parallel processing with 4 jobs. This means that 4 candidates at the same time will be able to be evaluated, if the number of CPUs availale permits-so. Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  8. Set the maximum memory usage – in megabytes – for the AutoML system to 2000 MB. This means that above the current candidate's evaluation will crash. Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  9. Set the post-processing method to EnsemblePostProcessing. This will ensemble the best pipelines found during the search. Read further in the official GAMA documentation here.
  10. Set the output directory to my_output. This will save the results of the search in the my_output directory. Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  11. Set the store level to all, which keep logs and cache with models and predictions. Read further in the Gama base class documentation.
  12. Run the AutoML's search under RandomSearch strategy. Others are available, read further in the Search Methods section.