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🔬 Experimentation for Auto-Sklong (for the paper's reproduction)

🔬 Experimentation for Auto-Sklong (for the paper's reproduction)

Be aware we have reworked the experiments engine

During the research for the Auto-Sklong paper, we used a different engine for the experiments. This engine was more hard-coded, with some tweaks that were not publishable. Therefore, we reworked the engine to be more user-friendly and to provide a better experience for the user, as well as for further experimenting with Auto-Sklong, especially against other AutoML libraries or baseline algorithms/neural networks – for us too!

A better engine: AutoML Benchmark

@PGijsbers' et al. have created a flexible experimentation-based system for AutoML libraries called AutoML Benchmark. This system is much more flexible and user-friendly than the engine we provide with Auto-Sklong. However, at the time, we did not have both access and time to explore this benchmark system. In the future, we may, but in the meantime, what we deliver below is for the paper's reproduction. In other words, use the AMLB: an AutoML Benchmark for a better experience with your AutoML experiments against others, including Auto-Sklong.

📚 Experiments

The paper is submitted to a conference

The paper is submitted to a conference, and we are awaiting the reviews. This means that users cannot yet read the paper, but we will provide the link as soon as it is accepted. Stay tuned!

The documentation below is intended to help users understand how we achieved the results presented in our paper. Nonetheless, we urge readers to read all the above information and warning blocks before proceeding.

📽️ Introduction

First and foremost, we provide an engine that is flexible, but not as flexible as the AutoML Benchmark system mentioned above. Our engine allows for a comparison of any system to Auto-Sklong. The engine utilises a Nested Cross-Validation (NCV) approach to evaluate systems and algorithms (as per our paper).

We provide the engine with the required number of folds to assess the system/algorithm, which automatically partitions the original data if necessary, in order to then acquire the train and test sets and run only on the required fold number (i.e, you have to run this for each outer fold of your NCV).

The engine therefore uses the reporter method to report metrics that can be compared to other systems or algorithms afterwards. The following sections will cover how to use the engine for an existing system or algorithm, as well as how to add a new system or algorithm.

🌍 How to access the experiments engine

We have provided all the experiments-based information in a single branch called experiments. Therefore, if you would like to explore the code's engine and how we conducted the experiments, please visit the experiments branch.

To do this, you can clone the repository and check out the experiments branch:

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-name>
git checkout experiments

✅ How to use the experiments engine

Navigate through the experiments folder and you should find and another folder experiments_launchers.

The engine allows for any launchers, such as those to run experiments on Auto-Sklong, Auto-Sklearn, or any other systems, to be executed with a shared reporting method to compare them all together afterwards. This is because the engine generates CSV results for each NCV's outer-fold results, therefore, the shared reporting manners are needed to have a similar CSV format for all systems or algorithms.

1️⃣ Use an available launcher

At present, launchers for Auto-Sklong, Auto-Sklearn, Random Forest, and Lexico Random Forest as per the paper's experiments are available. This means that you can use these launchers to run the experiments.

To do this, you may create bash scripts that will set up the available parameters, refer to those launchers accordingly to understand what is available, and then conclude the bash script with a Python run of the launcher of interest. For example, you can refer to the folder 24_hours, which contains the bash scripts used to run the experiments for 24 hours in the paper.

All launchers have default hyperparameters for their respective systems or algorithms used in the paper, but you can change them by providing different values in the bash script at your convenience.

2️⃣ Add a new launcher

Duplicate an existing launcher

If you would like to add a new launcher, we recommend doing so by duplicating an existing launcher and modifying it according to your needs.

To add a new launcher, you can create a new Python file in the experiments_launchers folder. The new launcher should have the following available methods:

  • A reporter function that could follow the convention def _reporter_<your_system_name>(system: <your_system_type>, X_test: pd.DataFrame) -> dict[str, Any]:.

In a nutshell, this reporter function acquires the fitted system and the test set, and then returns a dictionary of metrics that you would like to report. The expected outputs should look like this:

dict[str, Any]: A dictionary containing the following keys:
    - "predictions": Predictions made by the system.
    - "probability_predictions": Probability predictions made by the system.
    - "best_pipeline": A dictionary with the names of the techniques used in the best pipeline for data preparation, preprocessing, and classification.
    - "metric_optimised": The name of the metric that was optimized during training.

Sometimes you may not be able to fill out some of the above needed information

For exemple in best_pipeline, sometimes baselines algorithms such as random forest do not create a best_pipeline as it is not a pipeline-based algorithm. Therefore, you can create the dictionary with the keys but values set to the information you would like to report. For example, for best_pipeline you can set the value to "Random Forest" to classification. See the Random Forest launcher for an example.

  • A launcher class that contains the following methods:

    • __init__: to acquire the arguments provided by the bash script.
    • validate_parameters: to validate the parameters provided by the bash script.
    • launch_experiment: to use the generic engine, and provide (1) your data and the Nested Cross-Validation parameters, (2) your custom system and its hyperparameters, and your reporter method previously created.
    • default_parameters: to provide the default parameters for your system or algorithm, which are not provided by the bash scripts.
  • A main method that will be used to run the launcher. This method should start by acquiring the necessary arguments from the bash scripts, in order to then execute the Launcher class, validate the parameters, and launch the experiment.

Be aware that path modifications are needed

To use the current bash scripts available in the 24_hours folder, you will need to modify the paths in a few lines. We recommend you open one bash script to see how the paths are set up, and then modify them accordingly. These bash scripts are made to run in a SLURM architecture, but you can modify them to run on your local machine or any other architecture (cloud-based, etc.).

Data availability

The data used in the paper is not available in the repository. This does not mean that it is not available at all. Contact us if you would like to have access to the data used in the paper. You will need to pass some checks per the data source:

Therefore, this also means that all paths to data in the bash scripts will need to be modified to your own path where the data is stored on your machine/cluster.

For further information

If you would like to have further information on how to use the engine, or how to add a new launcher, please walk through the experiments folder's python files. They are docstring-based documented.

✅ How to gather all results from each NCV's outer-fold

After running the experiments, you will have a CSV file for each NCV's outer-fold. To gather all the results you can use the last python file, called Fill out the main's root_folders list variable with the root folders to each experiments done (parent of each NCV's outer-fold CSV files). Then run the script.

It will navigate through each NCv's outer-fold CSV files, gather the results, and create a CSV file with all the results Sorting by default by the Fold column numbers.