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🕸️ The Search Space

🕸️ The Search Space

Read the full paper

If you are missing some context when reading the quick start on our proposed search space below.

We highly recommend that you start reading the paper (which currently is sent to a conference) to gain a better understanding of the intrinsic of our proposed search space.

The Auto-Sklong proposed sequantial search space consists of three steps for preparing a pipeline for a longitudinal machine learning classification task. The search space is defined by the steps below:

Sequential Search Space in Three Steps

  1. Data Preparation: The first step is to either flatten the data or retain its temporal identity for use in subsequent steps.
    • Data Transformation: A number of techniques use the dataset's temporal identity to flatten it, allowing standard machine learning techniques to be applied. Certain are very basics, with some e.g waves summarised via mean/median, or more complex techniques such as Separate Waves, which build a classifier for each wave of the data before combining the results with either classic or more complex ensembling techniques.
    • Algorithm Adaptation: The second type of potential data preparation is simply preserving the dataset's temporal identity so that subsequent steps using adapted techniques to understand such temporality can benefit it.
  2. Pre-Processing: The second step is to pre-process the data using feature selections from our first version of the proposed search space. In theory, any type of preprocessing could be used. Feel free to add yours to Sklong. However, here is where the important process begins. Based on the previous step's choice, the pipeline has a limited number of options that only fit the previous step's choice. For example, if the previous step was to begin with algorithm adaptation-based data preparation techniques, a brand-new or adapted-to-standard preprocessing technique for longitudinal data would be chosen rather than standard preprocessing techniques, which do not deal with the temporal identity of the dataset. Similarly, if data transformations were performed instead, an algorithm adaptation-based pipeline would no longer possible. Instead, a standard machine learning technique would be chosen.
  3. Classifiers: The last step is to select the pipeline's final classifier. Similarly, the decision is based on the previous two steps.

Here is a figure that may be useful for visualising the search space. In the meantime, we strongly recommend that the reader read the paper (which currently is sent to a conference) to gain a better understanding of the intrinsic nature of our proposed search space.

Auto-Sklong Search Space

🛠️ How to modify the current Search Space?

First and foremost, GAMA, and similary Auto-Sklong support ConfigSpace. Which, in a nutshell, is a simple python package to manage configuration spaces for algorithm configuration and hyperparameter optimization tasks. It includes various modules to translate between different text formats for configuration space descriptions. Read further their documentation if you are not familiar with it.

In the meantime, here is how it is done in GAMA / Auto-Sklong:

Data Preparation Techniques

Navigate first through the gama/configuration/longitudinal_classification_task/ file. Every step of the search space has a dedicated file. Within which, they follow the same convention to define techniques to add to the search space. For the Data Preparation, see as follow.

self.data_preparation_setup_map defines the list of techniques to be used in the search space. However, it is of form object-based key-value pair. This means that while defining the name of the technique, you also reference a function that will be called to form the hyper-parameters associated with this technique.

Let's take an example. I want to add Aggregation Functions Mean to the search space. Such function simply aggregate waves together using the mean function. See its documentation in Sklong.

self.data_preparation_setup_map = {
            "AggrFuncMean": self.setup_aggr_func_mean,


def setup_aggr_func_median(self, data_preparation: csh.CategoricalHyperparameter):

This way, AggrFuncMean been added to the search space and later will be used in the pipeline by its very name. Therefore this means that it should be available within either Scikit-Learn or Sklong.

To see how to configure hyper-parameters, let's jump into adding a pre-processing technique instead, step-2 of the search space.

Pre-Processing Techniques

Similarly, it follows the same convention. Navigate to gama/configuration/longitudinal_classification_task/ file.

self.preprocessors_setup_map defines the list of preprocessing techniques to be used in the search space. Let's add one feature selection technique with associated hyper-parameters.

self.preprocessors_setup_map = {
            "CorrelationBasedFeatureSelectionPerGroup": self.setup_cfs_per_group,

def setup_cfs_per_group(self, preprocessors: csh.CategoricalHyperparameter):
    version = csh.CategoricalHyperparameter(
        choices=[1, 2],
        locals(), "CorrelationBasedFeatureSelectionPerGroup"

This way, CorrelationBasedFeatureSelectionPerGroup been added to the search space and later will be used in the pipeline by its very name. Along with the hyper-parameter's name version with as choices [1, 2] and a default value of 1. Here is used what do we call a CategoricalHyperparameter. To define it to the CorrelationBasedFeatureSelectionPerGroup you certainly have noticed that __ symbols are added followed by the name of the technique. This ensures that if multiple techniques have a hyper-parameter version, ConfigSpace could differentiate them.

Therefore, to understand more about the type of hyper-parameters you can define, please refer to the ConfigSpace documentation.

Lastly, the name put to the technique should be available within either Scikit-Learn or Sklong.

Lastly, let's jump into the last step of the search space, the classifiers.


Similarly, we repeat the process, navigate to gama/configuration/longitudinal_classification_task/ file.

self.classifiers_setup_map defines the list of classifiers to be used in the search space. Let's add a standard DecisionTree.

self.classifiers_setup_map = {
            "DecisionTree": self.setup_decision_tree,

    def shared_hyperparameters(self):
        return {
            "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"],
            "min_samples_split": {"lower": 2, "upper": 20, "default_value": 2},
            "min_samples_leaf": {"lower": 1, "upper": 20, "default_value": 1},
            "max_depth": {"lower": 2, "upper": 10, "default_value": 2},

def setup_decision_tree(self, classifiers: csh.CategoricalHyperparameter):
    criterion = csh.CategoricalHyperparameter(
    min_samples_split = csh.UniformIntegerHyperparameter(
    min_samples_leaf = csh.UniformIntegerHyperparameter(
    max_depth = csh.UniformIntegerHyperparameter(
        locals(), "DecisionTreeClassifier"

This way, DecisionTree been added to the search space and later will be used in the pipeline by its very name. Along with the hyper-parameters criterion, min_samples_split, min_samples_leaf, and max_depth. Each with their own default values and ranges. However, here you could notice a shared_hyperparameters property. This is to ensure that if multiple classifiers have the same hyper-parameters, we could re-use them. This is a good practice to avoid redundancy.

Therefore, to understand more about the type of hyper-parameters you can define, please refer to the ConfigSpace documentation.

Lastly, the name put to the technique should be available within either Scikit-Learn or Sklong.

To deep dive more into the search space

For instance, if you have dynamic hyper-parameters such as max_features in some trees ensemble, or would like to understand how the constraint between steps works in practice.

We recommend that you start reading the paper (which currently is sent to a conference) to gain a better understanding of the intrinsic, and then navigate to gama/configuration/ file.