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πŸ’‘ About The Project

Longitudinal datasets contain information about the same cohort of individuals (instances) over time, with the same set of features (variables) repeatedly measured across different time points (also called waves) [1,2,3].

Scikit-longitudinal (Sklong) is a machine learning library designed to analyse longitudinal data, also called Panel data in certain fields. Today, Sklong focuses on Longitudinal Machine Learning Classification tasks. It offers tools and models for processing, analysing, and classifying longitudinal data, with a user-friendly interface that integrates with the Scikit-learn ecosystem.

For further information, visit the official documentation.

πŸ› οΈ Installation

Step 1: Install the Latest Version of Sklong

pip install scikit-longitudinal

To install a specific version, specify it explicitly:

pip install scikit-longitudinal==0.0.6
Refer to the Release Notes for available versions.

Installing Scikit-longitudinal as Part of a Project

🫡 Project Setup: Using PDM

If you’re managing your project dependencies with PDM, note that Scikit-longitudinal is a fork of Scikit-Learn and is incompatible with the original Scikit-Learn package. To ensure compatibility, exclude Scikit-Learn from your project dependencies by adding the following configuration to your pyproject.toml file:

excludes = ["scikit-learn"]

This ensures that the modified version of Scikit-Learnβ€”Scikit-Lexicographical-Treesβ€”is used seamlessly within your project.

To install dependencies:

pdm install

To install only production dependencies:

pdm install --prod

For additional configurations, refer to the PDM documentation.

🫡 Project Setup: Using UV

If you prefer UV for dependency management, configure your pyproject.toml file to override conflicting packages. Add the following configuration:

package = true
override-dependencies = [
    "scikit-learn ; sys_platform == 'never'",

Steps to set up your environment: 1. Create a Virtual Environment:

uv venv

  1. Pin the Required Python Version:

    uv python pin cpython-3.9.21

  2. Lock Dependencies:

    uv lock

  3. Install All Dependencies:

    uv sync --all-groups

  4. Run Tests:

    uv run pytest -sv scikit_longitudinal

For more information, refer to the UV documentation.

🐾 Installing Scikit-longitudinal on Apple Silicon Macs

Apple Silicon-based Macs require running under an x86_64 architecture to ensure proper installation and functioning of Scikit-longitudinal. This is primarily due to the Deep-Forest dependency being incompatible with Apple Silicon.

Note below we us UV yet you can use any other virtual environment manager of interest as long as you are able to switch between architectures (see step 1).

Steps to Configure:

  1. Start a Terminal Session Under x86_64 Architecture:

    arch -x86_64 zsh

  2. Install an x86_64 Compatible Python Version with UV:

    uv python install cpython-3.9.21-macos-x86_64-none
    uv python pin cpython-3.9.21-macos-x86_64-none

  3. Create and Activate a Virtual Environment:

    uv venv
    source .venv/bin/activate

  4. Install Scikit-longitudinal:

    uv pip install scikit-longitudinal

  5. Run Tests:

    uv run pytest scikit_longitudinal/ --cov=./ --cov-report=html --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov-report=html:htmlcov/scikit_longitudinal -s -vv --capture=no

Refer to UV documentation for further details.

πŸ’» Developer Notes

For developers looking to contribute, please refer to the Contributing section of the documentation.

πŸš€ Getting Started

To perform longitudinal machine learning classification using Sklong, start by employing the LongitudinalDataset class to prepare your dataset (i.e, data itself, temporal vector, etc.). To analyse your data, you can utilise for instance the LexicoGradientBoostingClassifier or any other available estimator/preprocessor.

"The LexicoGradientBoostingClassifier in a nutshell: is a variant of Gradient Boosting specifically designed for longitudinal data, using a lexicographical approach that prioritises recent waves over older ones in certain scenarios [1].

Next, you can apply the popular fit, predict, prodict_proba, or transform methods depending on what you previously employed in the same way that Scikit-learn does, as shown in the example below:

from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset
from scikit_longitudinal.estimators.ensemble.lexicographical.lexico_gradient_boosting import LexicoGradientBoostingClassifier

dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv') # Note this is a fictional dataset. Use yours!

# Pre-set or manually set your temporal dependencies 

model = LexicoGradientBoostingClassifier(
  threshold_gain=0.00015 # Refer to the API for more hyper-parameters and their meaning
), dataset.y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(dataset.X_test)

# Classification report
print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))

Neural Networks models

Please see the documentation's FAQ tab for a list of similar projects that may offer Neural Network-based models, as this project presently does not. If we are interested in building Neural Network-based models for longitudinal data, we will announce it in due course.

Wants to understand what's the feature_groups? How your temporal dependencies are set via pre-set or manually?

To understand how to set your temporal dependencies, please refer to the Temporal Dependency tab of the documentation.

Wants more to grasp the idea?

To see more examples, please refer to the Examples tab of the documentation.

Wants more control on hyper-parameters?

To see the full API reference, please refer to the API tab.

πŸ“š References

[1] Kelloway, E.K. and Francis, L., 2012. Longitudinal research and data analysis. In Research methods in occupational health psychology (pp. 374-394). Routledge.

[2] Ribeiro, C. and Freitas, A.A., 2019. A mini-survey of supervised machine learning approaches for coping with ageing-related longitudinal datasets. In 3rd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL), held as part of IJCAI-2019 (num. of pages: 5).

[3] Ribeiro, C. and Freitas, A.A., 2024. A lexicographic optimisation approach to promote more recent features on longitudinal decision-tree-based classifiers: applications to the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Artificial Intelligence Review, 57(4), p.84ibeiro, C. and Freitas, A.A., 2019. A mini-survey of supervised machine learning approaches for coping with ageing-related longitudinal datasets. In 3rd Workshop on AI for Aging, Rehabilitation and Independent Assisted Living (ARIAL), held as part of IJCAI-2019 (num. of pages: 5).