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⏳Incorporating Temporal Dependencies in Longitudinal Datasets

⏳ Incorporating Temporal Dependencies in Longitudinal Datasets

Longitudinal data inherently has temporal dependencies, which are critical for identifying underlying patterns. This guide will show you how to encode these temporal correlations in your datasets using two fundamental notions introduced by Scikit-Longitudinal.

Common Shared Objects

The overall goal is to establish a general method for representing the temporal dependency of longitudinal data. Although hardcoding feature names in a freshly constructed method may work for a specific dataset, it cannot be generalised to other datasets, or not easily though.

We therefore introduce:

  • features_group
  • non_longitudinal_features

These objects are intended to be integrated into any algorithm for longitudinal data classification within Scikit-Longitudinal. Hence, by correctly structuring these objects, algorithm designers can take use of longitudinal data's temporal structure without e.g. requiring considerable hardcoding and be able to wider the range of potential users of their algorithms.

The following sections will explain how to configure these objects for your datasets.

Representing Longitudinal Data Linearly

Instead of representing the same subject across multiple rows—where, for example, row two for a subject represents wave 2 for each features, and row three represents wave 3, we represent the same subject across columns. In this format, the column names define the wave/time-point for the data features of each subject.

This representation may initially seem confusing, but it is the most common method for tabular longitudinal data due to several advantages. Two could be:

  1. Prevention of Data Leakage: When performing cross-validation, segmenting data in the middle of a subject's record (when represented in rows) can lead to data leakage. Representing subjects in rows with time-point features as columns prevents this issue.
  2. Simplified Data Interpretation: Each row represents a single subject, eliminating the need to cross-reference multiple rows to understand a subject's progression over time, thus reducing cognitive load. Furthermore, non-longitudinal features, in this format, are easily identifiable as they are not repeated across columns, whereas in the row format, they would be despite not changing over time, which could lead to redundancy in the data.

If your current dataset represents subjects across rows, you should pivot your data to have each row represent a subject with features over time in columns. If this pivot becomes a frequent need, we plan to offer a tool within LongitudinalDataset to automate this process. Please open an issue if you require this feature!

Understanding features_group

features_group is a list of lists of integers, with each inner list representing a group of features for a specific longitudinal variable. The inner lists' indices are ordered by wave/time-point sequence, capturing the temporal dependencies required for longitudinal data algorithms.

Consider a dataset with four features, two of which are longitudinal and each consist of two records collected over time, called waves or time-points. A real-world example would be smoke and cholesterol, each with two waves/time-points, and you want to divide them into two groups, one with the first longitudinal attribute, smoke, which is made up of the two feature indices in the dataset about smoke, and the other with the second l ongitudinal attribute, cholesterol. In this case, you would pass the following list of lists of integers as the features_group parameter:


Here, 0 and 1 are the indices of the first longitudinal attribute smoke, and 2 and 3 are the indices of the second longitudinal attribute cholesterol. So 0 is smoke wave/time-point 1, 1 is smoke wave/time-point 2, 2 is cholesterol wave/time-point 1, and 3 is cholesterol wave/time-point 2. Hence, the algorithm can deal with the feature recentness, i.e., the first element of the inner lists are older, and the farther the element is from the first element, the more recent it is.

Understanding non_longitudinal_features

non_longitudinal_features contains indices for non-temporal features. These features have no temporal order and can be handled separately by the algorithms. However, how these features are treated is determined by the algorithm designer. This means that algorithm designers can or cannot incorporate these features into their algorithms, watch out for the algorithm's documentation to know how it handles parameters.

To come back to the object. For example, if you have a dataset with 5 features, where the first 4 are longitudinal attributes (features_group as [[0,1],[2,3]]), and the last one is non-longitudinal, you would pass the following list of integers in the non_longitudinal_features parameter:


An example of Non Longitudinal Features

In the case of a dataset with longitudinal features such as smoke and cholesterol, non-longitudinal features could be age and gender, because they are typically not collected over time. E.g, for age the evolution is normal so despite being collected at different time-points, it does not add much value. Nonetheless, in certain scenario these features could be longitudinal, depends on the task at hand.

Let's take an exemplary dataset

Consider the following dataset: stroke.csv


  • smoke (longitudinal) with two waves/time-points
  • cholesterol (longitudinal) with two waves/time-points
  • age (non-longitudinal)
  • gender (non-longitudinal)


  • stroke (binary classification) at wave/time-point 2 only for the sake of the example

The dataset is shown below (w stands for wave in ELSA):

smoke_w1 smoke_w2 cholesterol_w1 cholesterol_w2 age gender stroke_w2
0 1 0 1 45 1 0
1 1 1 1 50 0 1
0 0 0 0 55 1 0
1 1 1 1 60 0 1
0 1 0 1 65 1 0

Now let's set up the features_group and non_longitudinal_features for this dataset for Sklong:

from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset

dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv')

# Manually set your temporal dependencies

print(f"Features group: {dataset.feature_groups(names=True)}")
>$ Features group: [['smoke_wave_1', 'smoke_wave_2'], ['cholesterol_wave_1', 'cholesterol_wave_2']]
print(f"Non-longitudinal features: {dataset.non_longitudinal_features(names=True)}")
>$ Non-longitudinal features: ['age', 'gender']

Pre-set features_group and non_longitudinal_features

We currently have a pre-set configuration for the features_group and non_longitudinal_features in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) database. The ELSA database is an ageing-related diseases longitudinal database that can be accessed via this link: ELSA.

The ELSA database tracks core participants, who are 50 years of age or older and reside in the United Kingdom, through repeated interviews. For instance, biomedical data collected every four years by a nurse or health professional results in ELSA-nurse datasets, while data from core interviews conducted every two years results in ELSA-core datasets.

Instead of using your own configuration for the input_data parameter of the setup_features_group method of LongitudinalDataset, you can use the pre-set configuration for the ELSA database, which is passed as a string to the input_data parameter. It will generate the features_group and non_longitudinal_features for you based on how the data is constructed. An exemplary usage is shown below:

from scikit_longitudinal.data_preparation import LongitudinalDataset

dataset = LongitudinalDataset('./stroke.csv')

# Pre-set your temporal dependencies

print(f"Features group: {dataset.feature_groups(names=True)}")
>$ ...will print the features group of the ELSA dataset ...
print(f"Non-longitudinal features: {dataset.non_longitudinal_features(names=True)}")
>$ ...will print the non-longitudinal features of the ELSA dataset ...

More Presets, stay tuned!

More presets may appear in the future; contribute yours if you believe they will benefit the community! If more than one pre-set configuration is available, we will open a new section in the API Reference to list them all.

To conclude, the appropriate configuration of features_group and non_longitudinal_features is critical for algorithm designers and library users. It allows anyone to use the temporal structure of longitudinal data as well as non-temporal features to capture the underlying patterns in the data using any adapted/newly designed algorithms for longitudinal data classification tasks in a shared-common and user-friendly manner. As a result, instead of having to create an algorithm that only works on one dataset by, for example, hard-coding the dataset's temporal structure, another one could, for example, rely on the feature names, rendering it inapplicable to other datasets.